Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Arrival in Sapporo

Well, we made it. I will spare you the details of a perfectly unremarkable airplane journey (and also speak like Data because I cannot find the apostrophe on this keyboard) but the important thing is, we made it in one piece, and are now clean, happy and in possession of two functional, non-broken bicycles.

Getting from the airport to the hostel was an adventure in public transport (awesome subway pictured) and after a little nighttime wandering of the streets of Sapporo we found our hostel.

We are here for two more days - setting up and checking the place out. After that, we have not really figured out where exactly we plan to go, but expect too see it mapped out in detail via google maps!


  1. The subway car positively sparkles!

    Glad you're safe and sound. What's the food like?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Yes I screwed up my last comment - but aren't you impressed that I figured out how to follow your blog! Now I just have to help Mom sign up. Anyway, have a great time you two & take lots of pictures!

  4. Hi you two. I can't imagine what it would have been like schleping around a city at night and going on a subway! with those two huge boxes. Zack, I laughed out loud at your Data comment. Waiting for more pics.... M
