In case it wasn't obvious, we're going to Japan. Zack, once fully spandexed is going to lead the way while I am going to fuel our progress with sarcasm and hill related cursing.
We're there for 88 days and attempting to cover roughly 4,000km. As is our nature, nothing is thoroughly planned. Below is the first month or so of biking and while we likely wont stick to the plan exactly, it's a rough indication of our goals.
View Larger MapIf television has taught me anything about Japan it's that we'll be in a constant state of battle with giant wasps, tentacle monsters and evil samurai but I'm pretty sure everyone knows Karate so we should be ok.
We leave in ten days and today is my last day of work, so I'm off to enjoy a few days of the Canadian patio season as an unemployed drifter before we leave!