Sunday, August 22, 2010

One does not simply coast in to Kyoto

Another quick, lazy update - we've reached Kyoto, and since this computer actually has an english keyboard, I'm doing weird stuff like hitting shift-7 for apostrophes and pressing the semicolon key hoping to get the @ thingy.

The story of the past few days has been climbs - lots of them! - which are good, and extreme heat, which I am forced to admit, is crappy. When people said the heat would be bad here, I thought "how bad could it be?"" Important lesson: whenever you find yourself asking "How bad could it be?" stop, and reconsider your decisions. It's been around 36 - 37 degrees for the past few days, with one roadside thermometer even showing 40. In terms of causing your clothes to require washing immediately, and preventing sleep, this extreme heat may even be more inconvenient than rain!

Anyway, enough typing, on to what you've all been waiting for - the MAP:

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What, you thought I meant pictures? Those will be up soon.

Also, I popped the button off of my only pair of shorts, went to 7-11, bought a sewing kit (because of course they had one there) and sewed it back on myself. This is a huge accomplishment, and the final feather in my cap as an international, independent bicycle tourer.

1 comment:

  1. Extreme heat = The Worst.
    I haven't climbed any mountains or anything, but I've shared a bed with another person in a 3rd floor attic in those same temperatures. Its like sleeping with a heating blanket!!
    Anyways, enjoy the A/C when you can.
